NYS Secretary of State


  • Routine Service upon the NYS Secretary of State Only $20.00

Send us 2 copies of your NYS based action along with the $40 statutory fee payable to the NYS Secretary of State for each entity to be served through the Secretary of State. We will serve each entity for only $20 under sections 306 BCL, 306 NFP, 303 LLC, 121-109(a) LP or 121-1505 LLP for routine service.

Have many services you need done through the Secretary of State? Contact us for an even lower rate.

We can also serve your papers under Sections 307 BCL, 306-A BCL, 304 LLC, 121-109(b) LP, 253 VTL or 254 VTL (Statutory fee to the NYS Secretary of State is $10 under 253 & 254 VTL). Under these sections of law we will serve 1 copy upon the Secretary of State and mail 1 copy to the defendant/respondent by registered mail (certified mail under 253 & 254 VTL) with return receipt requested. Our fee for service under these sections is just $35 plus the cost of mailing.

Serving All of Your Process Needs
Since 1987

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